October 19, 2009

Facebook overload

Like the rest of you I am part of the Facebook world. It is great catching up with friends, seeing how some are living their life and getting a few laughs added to our day. FB provides one-stop-shop for catching up with friends, although sometimes TMI ( too much information) comes to mind.

Do you ever wonder why people need to share with us what they had for lunch; their trip to the grocery store or they have gone to bed? Yes they are friends, but do you need to feel obligated to share these mundane facts with the world?

Remember the phrase our mother's taught us: "If you have nothing positive to say, say nothing at all". What do you think about FB abuse? Maybe we need to start a Facebook Overload group?

Mary-Jane to save the economy

Today the federal government said "Pot-smoking patients or their sanctioned suppliers should not be targeted for federal prosecution in states that allow medical marijuana--funny to call dealers sanctioned suppliers."

14 states are now allowed to use marijuana for medical purposes. And 5 of those 14 states have the highest unemployment rates in the nation (as of Aug,'09)

1. Michigan=15.2


3. Rhode island=12.8

4. Oregon=12.2

5. California=12.2

Will this decision by the Federal government be the kick start these economies need? Or was marijuana legalized in these states because the economy has so depressed people they need the pick me up?

October 16, 2009

It's a bird...a plane...a balloon?

1967, the Fifth Dimension recorded "Up Up and Away" and little did they realize it would come to be the perfect theme for the events of the other day. Have you ever seen something so peculiar, when a 6-year old boy climbs into a home made "flying saucer" and captivates a nation for hours.

When first heard, I was concerned this poor boy was doomed. How would the military save this boy without being accused for a poor operation? However, as soon it was shared that this family appeared on the TV show "Wife Swap", I was thinking scam.

Children often speak the truth because they know nothing else. Well the 6-yr old boy, named Falcon, shared some words that are making everyone question if the father spoke the truth. I don't know this father or his family; I am glad the boy is safe; and I am saying this event is a scam. And who is going to pay the price for it? The boys of this father and wife, because what lesson did they learn from this event?

October 13, 2009

Cougars Today--lovers or killers or both

Last night on the National Geographic Channel there was a special on cougars and the high number of attacks on humans in the NW. The timing of this show could not have been more perfect, as a buddy and I had an encounter with a pair of cougars Saturday night at a local bar.

These two cougars were on the prowl and looking to pounce. At points during the encounter we almost fell victim to the cougars as they applied there grip and were ready to pounce on our young flesh. Thankfully we escaped, although at times it was looking attractive to fall victim, as it has been a while since we were pounced.

All being said, it has been learned that cougars are very territorial. So if we choose to have another cougarese encounter, we know where to find them.

October 5, 2009

One too many?

Miguel Cabrera definitely made a mistake by getting loaded after Friday's Tigers' game and made another mistake by taking a few punches on his wife. So does he deserve the right to play in the Tigers' deciding playoff birth game?

Tigers have decided "no" and it seems public opinion supports this decision. But is this the right decision? Babe Ruth was known to be a big drinker and I am sure there was more than one trip to the plate, where Babe was seeing more than one pitcher. Did he ever take a swing at his wife? Maybe, but we can 't answer that one.

If Miguel was a marketing executive for the Tigers and the same thing happened would he be suspended from his job? And by not allowing Miguel to play, don't the other Tiger players suffer too? Therefore, wouldn't it be better to allow Miguel to play; give the team the best chance to win; and hand out punishment once the season has ended?

It was learned today (10/6) the Miguel will be in the Tigers' lineup. Was it the power of my post and the Internet, or my miss guided original post?

October 1, 2009

Love me a cold

Over the past few weeks, I've had the chance to spend time with my family and a lot of time with my nephew Xavier. It has been great being able to spend time with everyone and I have really loved being able to play with Xavier. While the good is being able to play with him, chase him and wrestle on the floor together; the bad has to be the gift he gave me....a cold.

How is that Xavier is running around with a ton of energy and I am sneezing and blowing my nose every five minutes? Do kids possess some super strong resistance to colds? Whatever stregths he has, I am missing them because I got me a cold.

The say with the good comes the bad. And if a cold is the bad that comes with playing with my buddy Xavier, bring on Xavier, hot tea and Kleenex.