October 16, 2009

It's a bird...a plane...a balloon?

1967, the Fifth Dimension recorded "Up Up and Away" and little did they realize it would come to be the perfect theme for the events of the other day. Have you ever seen something so peculiar, when a 6-year old boy climbs into a home made "flying saucer" and captivates a nation for hours.

When first heard, I was concerned this poor boy was doomed. How would the military save this boy without being accused for a poor operation? However, as soon it was shared that this family appeared on the TV show "Wife Swap", I was thinking scam.

Children often speak the truth because they know nothing else. Well the 6-yr old boy, named Falcon, shared some words that are making everyone question if the father spoke the truth. I don't know this father or his family; I am glad the boy is safe; and I am saying this event is a scam. And who is going to pay the price for it? The boys of this father and wife, because what lesson did they learn from this event?

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