September 28, 2009

Elderly Woman Encounter

The other afternoon I am walking in a parking lot an elderly woman pulls next to me in some kind of Honda, rolls down her window and the following conversation occurs:

EW: Are you a Christian?

ME: Yes

EW: Well, I had all my ID stolen—driver’s license, credit cards-- do you have any money to help?

ME: Goosh, I don’t have my wallet on me.

EW: OK, Bye!

Maybe the woman was telling the truth and maybe she was not and maybe I did have my wallet on me. Nevertheless I did the Christian thing...kept my money and prayed she didn’t get pulled over by a cop for driving without a driver’s license.


The chant of "we're number #1" was being yelled as I slapped hands with friends and strangers, as the Detroit Lions brought a victory to the city of Detroit! I have the fortune, or some may say miss fortune, of having season tickets for the last 35 years and this was without a doubt a great win. Some of those seasons were tough, but you just had to believe. In fact, how many us believed a fat man in a red suite would fit down their chimney?

Matthew Stafford brought his A-game and although the defense was on the field a lot in the 4Q they held strong. With only 40,000 in attendance, the fans were as loud as a sellout crowd and now 40,000 can say "I was there when it happened; I was a witness". It was truly an electrifying experience capped off with no fights, unlike the Vikings game, and the players, after a locker room prayer, retiring to the field to celebrate with the fans.
D-town is on a roll and now most people here can spell V.I.C.T.O.R.Y.

September 25, 2009

They keep going and going...

People say 'youth is wasted on the young'. That may be true, but so is energy.

These past few days I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with my nephew, Xavier. How is it after a morning of running around the park, climbing up and down a jungle gym, swinging across monkey bars; and then an afternoon of playing soccer, an evening of football and then crawling across the floor playing trucks not tier out a child? Like to think I am in shape. I go to Crossfit Eastside and eat right. However after chasing, lifting, jumping and wrestling with a 2 year old, I am beat.

Maybe we all need to go on a diet of sugary yogurt, meet and chips?

September 24, 2009

Ooooh that's scary

With summer activities winding down and fall right around the corner, it is time for us to get ready for a much loved adult and child holiday---Halloween. As kids we loved deciding who we were going to be...Football player, Princess, Superman, Dracula...And now we either make up a last minute costume, spend the big bucks on a costume or stay at home and dish out the candy.
Not sure what my Halloween holds this year, as I think it is time to retire the Pimp costume. Regardless seeing my nephew in his scary monster costume made it a good Halloween.

Do you have any Halloween memories or plans for this year?

September 20, 2009

Lions and the fat kids

Yeah, being the Monday morning quarterback is pretty simple. And It is easy to pick on the fat kid in grade school. Lately the Detorit Lions have been playing the role of
the fat kid.

Today the Detroit Lions suffered another defeat, despite a hard fought game. The team played excellent to start the game and had the lead at halftime. Second half started with a few mistakes and, in case the players didn't know, the fans were there to remind them of there errors. Yes, the players and coaches know of their mistakes, so do they need the fans to remind them. So why don't we stop picking on the fat kid and help them?