November 18, 2009

Visiting the Lyons Family in the WI

This past weekend (11/13-16) I had the chance to visit my friend Jason, his wife Cerissa and their son Brecken. Jason and I were friends in college, although we didn't do everything together. The years after college have seen our relationship grow. It is interesting how time can impact a relationship causing people to become closer of drift apart.

Since college Jason and I have lived in separate states and with the combination of technology and some effort we have built a solid friendship. The purpose of the trip was to celebrate Jason's 38th birthday (11/17) and me coming for a visit was the brilliant idea of Cerissa. Cerissa and Jason have a great relationship and it is interesting to see how their relationship has changed over the years and is now impacted with the arrival of their son Brecken. And little Breken? What a great guy! He is full of activity all day long and unfortunately most of the night, although it was not a problem for me as I had my own section of the The Lyon's Lake House. Regardless Brecken and I bonded and we are thinking of getting together to go cruising for women in down town Hubertus.

The weekend was full of great adventures and here are some highlights.


1. Great dinner and tour of the Lyons Lake House.

2. Texting blitz with my friend Robyn was under way.

3. Hung with Brecken and discussed the finer points of jarred baby food.

4. Reminiscing with Jason and Cerissa too late into the night.


1. Early rise--Mr. Brecken likes to get an early start--huge breakfast.

2. Jason lays down the 'no shower' policy due to the holding tank.

3. Tour of historical site Holly Hill. This is the second highest point in WI. When I learned this, my response was 'What the..!' Then I remembered I on was on Holly Hill and Brecken was not ear muff protected, so I cleaned it up.

4. Downtown Hubertus to pick up an organic lunch and then get out of town before the start of the Christmas parade. That is not a typo....they were holding a Christmas parade. Guess the Christmas season is not long enough for the Hubertus Town.

5. Lunch outside by the lake, where Jason realizes the nice girl from the organic shop, skrewed him on his sandwich. We watch Brecken try and eat a lady bug.

6. We go on a hike to the highest point in WI, where Harlan tries to jump over a gate.

7. Harlan bangs shins on gate and face plants in the grass.

8. Cerissa almost pees pants laughing. Jason explains to Breken not to act like Uncle Harlan.

9. Texting with Harlan's friend Robyn is picking up steam.

10. Return to the Lyons Lake house and Jason and Harlan go on a hike

11. Big dinner. Jason, Cerissa and Harlan hangout with Robyn and her friends in Royal Oak, MI all the way from WI. Gotta love technology and texting.

12. Jason sends Robyn picture of Harlan with dinner in his teeth. Why? Jason rolls that way and it was Saturday night in Hubertus.

13. Graciously Robyn looks past picture and continues to text.

14. Jason advises Harlan to increase his texting and calling plan.

15. After 100 plus texts on Saturday, Harlan heads Jason's advice.

16. Cerissa reveals that Harlan is her 'back up' and Harlan begins to jump up and down.


1. Texting continues and everyone enjoys a big breakfast and prepares for morning activities.

2. Jason continues the 'no shower' policy.

3. Cerissa escapes with Brecken to her Mom's.

4. Jason and Harlan watch some of the Lions' game and then when the game was decided by the 2Q we headed out for the afternoon.

5. Texting shows no signs of slowing down and Harlan says a quick prayer for having smart friends like Jason and listening to his advice to bump up that texting plan.

6. Afternoon and early evening is consumed with outdoor adventures--canoeing the lake, hiking through the hills--- and Jason's interest in Robyn and any delay in text responses start to grow.

7. Evening is spent joking and laughing with Harlan and Jason explaining to Cerissa that life would be more complete if Jason had an iphone.

8. 'No shower' policy shows no sign of being lifted.


1. Texting on blitz is still in gear; however frequency has declined due to work.

2. The decline in texting appears to be troublesome for Jason, but he survived.

3. Jason and Harlan successfully tend to Brecken during the day without causing any permanent injury.

4. 'No shower policy' is lifted.

5. Cerissa returns home from a long day of work and Brecken shows an immediate sign of happiness.

6. After a great dinner Jason gets Harlan to the airport and Jason starts on his trip to Whole Pay Check; I mean Whole Foods.

7. Texting migrates to phone call at airport.

Photo recap

November 3, 2009

In Memory of Jeff Fortier

Jeff Fortier was a good friend, loving brother and cherished son. At the young age of 27 Jeff's life suddenly ended. All would agree Jeff's life ended much too early and he touched many people.

We all carry with us the memory of Jeff and have the honor of living a loving and full life. Jeff would want it no other way.

Prayers and strength to the friends and family of Jeff!

October 19, 2009

Facebook overload

Like the rest of you I am part of the Facebook world. It is great catching up with friends, seeing how some are living their life and getting a few laughs added to our day. FB provides one-stop-shop for catching up with friends, although sometimes TMI ( too much information) comes to mind.

Do you ever wonder why people need to share with us what they had for lunch; their trip to the grocery store or they have gone to bed? Yes they are friends, but do you need to feel obligated to share these mundane facts with the world?

Remember the phrase our mother's taught us: "If you have nothing positive to say, say nothing at all". What do you think about FB abuse? Maybe we need to start a Facebook Overload group?

Mary-Jane to save the economy

Today the federal government said "Pot-smoking patients or their sanctioned suppliers should not be targeted for federal prosecution in states that allow medical marijuana--funny to call dealers sanctioned suppliers."

14 states are now allowed to use marijuana for medical purposes. And 5 of those 14 states have the highest unemployment rates in the nation (as of Aug,'09)

1. Michigan=15.2


3. Rhode island=12.8

4. Oregon=12.2

5. California=12.2

Will this decision by the Federal government be the kick start these economies need? Or was marijuana legalized in these states because the economy has so depressed people they need the pick me up?

October 16, 2009

It's a bird...a plane...a balloon?

1967, the Fifth Dimension recorded "Up Up and Away" and little did they realize it would come to be the perfect theme for the events of the other day. Have you ever seen something so peculiar, when a 6-year old boy climbs into a home made "flying saucer" and captivates a nation for hours.

When first heard, I was concerned this poor boy was doomed. How would the military save this boy without being accused for a poor operation? However, as soon it was shared that this family appeared on the TV show "Wife Swap", I was thinking scam.

Children often speak the truth because they know nothing else. Well the 6-yr old boy, named Falcon, shared some words that are making everyone question if the father spoke the truth. I don't know this father or his family; I am glad the boy is safe; and I am saying this event is a scam. And who is going to pay the price for it? The boys of this father and wife, because what lesson did they learn from this event?

October 13, 2009

Cougars Today--lovers or killers or both

Last night on the National Geographic Channel there was a special on cougars and the high number of attacks on humans in the NW. The timing of this show could not have been more perfect, as a buddy and I had an encounter with a pair of cougars Saturday night at a local bar.

These two cougars were on the prowl and looking to pounce. At points during the encounter we almost fell victim to the cougars as they applied there grip and were ready to pounce on our young flesh. Thankfully we escaped, although at times it was looking attractive to fall victim, as it has been a while since we were pounced.

All being said, it has been learned that cougars are very territorial. So if we choose to have another cougarese encounter, we know where to find them.

October 5, 2009

One too many?

Miguel Cabrera definitely made a mistake by getting loaded after Friday's Tigers' game and made another mistake by taking a few punches on his wife. So does he deserve the right to play in the Tigers' deciding playoff birth game?

Tigers have decided "no" and it seems public opinion supports this decision. But is this the right decision? Babe Ruth was known to be a big drinker and I am sure there was more than one trip to the plate, where Babe was seeing more than one pitcher. Did he ever take a swing at his wife? Maybe, but we can 't answer that one.

If Miguel was a marketing executive for the Tigers and the same thing happened would he be suspended from his job? And by not allowing Miguel to play, don't the other Tiger players suffer too? Therefore, wouldn't it be better to allow Miguel to play; give the team the best chance to win; and hand out punishment once the season has ended?

It was learned today (10/6) the Miguel will be in the Tigers' lineup. Was it the power of my post and the Internet, or my miss guided original post?

October 1, 2009

Love me a cold

Over the past few weeks, I've had the chance to spend time with my family and a lot of time with my nephew Xavier. It has been great being able to spend time with everyone and I have really loved being able to play with Xavier. While the good is being able to play with him, chase him and wrestle on the floor together; the bad has to be the gift he gave me....a cold.

How is that Xavier is running around with a ton of energy and I am sneezing and blowing my nose every five minutes? Do kids possess some super strong resistance to colds? Whatever stregths he has, I am missing them because I got me a cold.

The say with the good comes the bad. And if a cold is the bad that comes with playing with my buddy Xavier, bring on Xavier, hot tea and Kleenex.

September 28, 2009

Elderly Woman Encounter

The other afternoon I am walking in a parking lot an elderly woman pulls next to me in some kind of Honda, rolls down her window and the following conversation occurs:

EW: Are you a Christian?

ME: Yes

EW: Well, I had all my ID stolen—driver’s license, credit cards-- do you have any money to help?

ME: Goosh, I don’t have my wallet on me.

EW: OK, Bye!

Maybe the woman was telling the truth and maybe she was not and maybe I did have my wallet on me. Nevertheless I did the Christian thing...kept my money and prayed she didn’t get pulled over by a cop for driving without a driver’s license.


The chant of "we're number #1" was being yelled as I slapped hands with friends and strangers, as the Detroit Lions brought a victory to the city of Detroit! I have the fortune, or some may say miss fortune, of having season tickets for the last 35 years and this was without a doubt a great win. Some of those seasons were tough, but you just had to believe. In fact, how many us believed a fat man in a red suite would fit down their chimney?

Matthew Stafford brought his A-game and although the defense was on the field a lot in the 4Q they held strong. With only 40,000 in attendance, the fans were as loud as a sellout crowd and now 40,000 can say "I was there when it happened; I was a witness". It was truly an electrifying experience capped off with no fights, unlike the Vikings game, and the players, after a locker room prayer, retiring to the field to celebrate with the fans.
D-town is on a roll and now most people here can spell V.I.C.T.O.R.Y.

September 25, 2009

They keep going and going...

People say 'youth is wasted on the young'. That may be true, but so is energy.

These past few days I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with my nephew, Xavier. How is it after a morning of running around the park, climbing up and down a jungle gym, swinging across monkey bars; and then an afternoon of playing soccer, an evening of football and then crawling across the floor playing trucks not tier out a child? Like to think I am in shape. I go to Crossfit Eastside and eat right. However after chasing, lifting, jumping and wrestling with a 2 year old, I am beat.

Maybe we all need to go on a diet of sugary yogurt, meet and chips?

September 24, 2009

Ooooh that's scary

With summer activities winding down and fall right around the corner, it is time for us to get ready for a much loved adult and child holiday---Halloween. As kids we loved deciding who we were going to be...Football player, Princess, Superman, Dracula...And now we either make up a last minute costume, spend the big bucks on a costume or stay at home and dish out the candy.
Not sure what my Halloween holds this year, as I think it is time to retire the Pimp costume. Regardless seeing my nephew in his scary monster costume made it a good Halloween.

Do you have any Halloween memories or plans for this year?

September 20, 2009

Lions and the fat kids

Yeah, being the Monday morning quarterback is pretty simple. And It is easy to pick on the fat kid in grade school. Lately the Detorit Lions have been playing the role of
the fat kid.

Today the Detroit Lions suffered another defeat, despite a hard fought game. The team played excellent to start the game and had the lead at halftime. Second half started with a few mistakes and, in case the players didn't know, the fans were there to remind them of there errors. Yes, the players and coaches know of their mistakes, so do they need the fans to remind them. So why don't we stop picking on the fat kid and help them?