September 28, 2009


The chant of "we're number #1" was being yelled as I slapped hands with friends and strangers, as the Detroit Lions brought a victory to the city of Detroit! I have the fortune, or some may say miss fortune, of having season tickets for the last 35 years and this was without a doubt a great win. Some of those seasons were tough, but you just had to believe. In fact, how many us believed a fat man in a red suite would fit down their chimney?

Matthew Stafford brought his A-game and although the defense was on the field a lot in the 4Q they held strong. With only 40,000 in attendance, the fans were as loud as a sellout crowd and now 40,000 can say "I was there when it happened; I was a witness". It was truly an electrifying experience capped off with no fights, unlike the Vikings game, and the players, after a locker room prayer, retiring to the field to celebrate with the fans.
D-town is on a roll and now most people here can spell V.I.C.T.O.R.Y.


frasuy said...

Better put that ticket on eBay.

Harlan said...

waiting until it has a friend